Información de Contacto Rápida

Siempre atentos a las necesidades de nuestros Clientes y con el fin de ofrecerles un servicio de máxima calidad, poniendo a su disposición el Servicio de Atención al Cliente.

icon_widget_image Lago Alberto 442, Torre B piso 8, C.P. 11320, Col. Anáhuac Sección I, Ciudad de México icon_widget_image +(01) 555 580 4936 icon_widget_image
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For years, the TYPSA Group has implemented an integrated Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health at Work and R&D Management system, based on international standards ISO 9001, ISO 14001, OHSAS 18001 and UNE 166002, of Persistent and systematic application in the performance of all work.

This system translates into the so-called Integrated Manual for the Management of Quality, Environmental, Safety and Health at work and R & D & I, whose philosophy is to coordinate the strict compliance with contractual requirements, with strict submission to the procedures and technical standards of application, in order to ensure the corresponding internal processes of supervision, verification, validation, audit or registration.